Grossrinderfeld, 2005-09-14
Adiscon is proud to announce the release of EventReporter 7.1. The new version is basically a maintenance release, but also contains some new features and enhancements:
- support for multiple email recipients inside a single “send mail” action has been added
- enhanced handling of Japanese characters available. In some circumstances, this is necessary to receive correct characters.
- the Event Log Monitor can now assign different syslog priorities to different event logs
- the configuration can now be imported and exported via XML – this is especially great for those wanting to modify it with a text editor.
- a new property replacer option has been added addressing the conversion of German Umlaut characters
- the “set Property” action does now support any property, not just a limited set
- the filter engine has been enhanced so that the result of a filter match can be stored to a property – very useful in complex scenarios (can reduce complexity dramatically)
- debug option enhanced , now it is possible to use circular logging for debug output
- and, of course, some more bug fixes and stability enhancements …
For details, please visit the EventReporter 7.1 Version History.
Version 7.1 is a free download. Customers with existing 7.x keys can deploy the product without the need for a new key or upgrade. All others, please contact . Please note that the download enables the free 30-day trial version if used without a key – so you can right now go ahead and evaluate it.
EventReporter 7.1 Released