This FAQ article will help you with problems you might experience when upgrading your installation to a newer EventReporter Version.
- The EventReporter Client was not updated?
There is one known case where the EventReporter Client is not correctly updated on an upgrade from Version 6.x to 7.1 or 7.0 to 7.1. This problem is a side effect by changes within the installer we made in 7.1, and has already been fixed in the downloadable Version. If you are experiencing this problem, please follow these steps to manually fix the problem:
- Open the Add/Remove Software Panel and locate the EventReporter entry.
- Click on Change and select the Repair option of the “Program Maintenance”, then click next and install.
This will reevaluate the EventReporter installation and install the new and correct EventReporter Client.
- How does the Upgrade from Version 6.x to 7.1 work?
Upgrading from EventReporter 6.x / 7.0 to EventReporter 7.1 is seen as major update. The reason is that components which are vital for EventReporter have been changed in Version 7.1. Therefore, the product code of EventReporter was changed in 7.1. When you start the new installation of EventReporter 7.x, you will notice that it looks like as you would install a fresh EventReporter. This step is needed as all installation options have to be reevaluated. But don’t worry, all your settings will be preserved and left intact. Once the Installation is done, you will also see that there is only one EventReporter installation in the Add/Remove Programs panel left.
One note, to prevent the installer from forcing you to reboot your computer, kindly manually stop the EventReporter Service before starting the upgrade installation.
- Is it possible to upgrade from EventReporter Version 5 to Version 7?
Yes it is also possible, but requires an additional step. First of all install EventReporter 7 over your existing installation. Once this is done, kindly open the new EventReporter Client. A Wizard with further instructions will open. Please see the following FAQ Article for more information’s about this wizard.