Do I need a new Key for an Upgrade?

Will the same key work when I upgrade from 10.x version to 11.x version?

You can use this license key for any 10.x version of EventReporter. But this license key will not work if you want to upgrade from 10.x to 11.x and it will also not work if you want to switch from e.g. basic edition to professional edition. It calls for a new license. If you had got a new license and aren’t sure what to do follow these simple procedure.

Note 1: But if you have got an UpgradeInsurance ID please contact for further details.

Note 2: We assume you already have installed the trial version. If you do not have it installed, please visit the product web site and download and install the product first.

  1. Download WinSyslog from
  2. After downloading the software start the client application.
  3. Switch to the “License” tab.
  4. Enter the License Name and License Key into the respective fields.
  5. Click “OK”

This process will switch the product from the trial version to the licensed one. Be sure to enter the license name and license key exactly as provided by us. Remember that the license key information is case-sensitive. Documentation on how to enter the license key is in the manual. If you still encounter problems, please go throught this License Information FAQ.

Note 3: Different Editions and Versions of EventReporter are availabe.

Note 4: This FAQ is also applicable for the case when you upgrade from version 4.x to 5.x or higher!

Do I need a new Key for an Upgrade?
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