Author : Ulrike Gerhards

What does Event ID 1011 mean?

What does event 1011 mean? Our MonitorWare Line of Products e.g. EventReporter, MonitorWare Agent etc. periodically reads the Windows Event Log. While reading the Windows Event Log, they try to read the last record that was processed in the last run. We had opt for this, because if the last record doesn’t exist, then either […]

How can I install EventReporter unattended?

Unattended installation is painless with EventReporter. If you plan to do so, we recommend using the “engine only” install set. To install unattended: configure EventReporter on a master machine export the registry key & subkeys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Adiscon EvntSLog\Parameters”. Be sure to include the subkeys (like application, system, …) load the resulting .reg file into notepad remove […]

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