About EventReporter¶
EventReporter is an integrated, modular, and distributed solution for system management.
Microsoft Windows 2003™, Windows XP™, Windows Vista™, Windows 2008™, Windows 7™, Windows 8™, Windows 2012™, Windows 2016™, Windows 2019™, and Windows 10™ are highly capable operating systems (we will call all of them “Windows” in the following documentation). However, their standard event reporting mechanisms are rather limited. Administrators seeking complete control over their server environment need to regularly check the server event logs. Adiscon’s EventReporter provides central notification of any events logged to the Windows system event log. Messages can be delivered via email and syslog protocol.
The initial product - called EvntSLog - was specifically written with mixed Windows and UNIX environments in mind. It supported the syslog protocol only. It is currently in use by many large-scale commercial organizations, universities, and government bodies (like the military) all around the world. EventReporter empowers data center operators to integrate Windows event logs into their central syslog setup. Administrative duties and exception notification can easily be built via Unix-based scripting.
But small sized organizations also demanded relive from checking server logs. As such, EventReporter allows delivery of Windows event notifications via standard Internet email. Each server’s events are gathered, filtered according to rules set up by the administrator and - if they matter - forwarded to the admin. Especially small sized organizations operating a single server can be rest assured that they won’t miss any important log entries.
EventReporter can be teamed with other MonitorWare line of products. In this scenario, it provides a totally centralized and automated event log collection, monitoring, and analysis solution. If you are looking for a solution that not only can forward event information but also monitor additional system settings, you might want to have a look at the MonitorWare Agent.
EventReporter is also a great tool for computer resellers, consultants, and other service providers in need to monitor their customer’s systems.
The product is easy to install and configure, uses only minimal system resources and is proven to be reliable. Furthermore, it is extremely inexpensive.