You can come across this specific error, by reviewing your EventLog data. The EventLog Monitor writes an entry to the EventLog and then retries. If debug is activated, a entry will be created there, too, looking like this:
“2212 | 1175784330 | Error | Error FormatMessage return 0, GetLastError = ‘317’”
The reason for this error is, that there is something wrong with the source of the message. Mostly this could happen if the EventLog Monitor reads events for applications, which are no longer installed. Another cause could be, that the source simply is corrupted. In these cases this error occurs. Basically spoken, this is not a problem of the EventLog Monitor, but a problem of the system itself having inaccurate sources.
In general, there is no real problem. The EventLog Monitor will continue to work just fine. It will simply go on with its run. Therefore you shouldn’t panic if this error occurs. It will be very helpful to first think about which application caused the entry and then check if it is proper installed. If it doesn’t occur too often, it isn’t even worthy bothering.
If you need further information about format message errors or have questions and ideas concerning our products, send a mail to our Support Team.