Author : adisconteam

Does UNC Pathes work for WinSyslog, EventReporter and MonitorWare Agent ?

When UNC (\\severname\sharename\path) was given in the file path (in your defined “Write to File” action) Winsyslog, Eventreporter and MonitorWare Agent didn’t work? Yes, UNC works for Winsyslog, Eventreporter and MonitorWare Agent, but due to Windows design you must meet some pre-requisites to enable them to actually work. They do NOT work in the default […]

When starting EventReporter, I get the message: “FATAL error opening the EventReporter language file”

When I start a MonitorWare Product, I get the following error: “FATAL error opening the MonitorWare/WinSyslog/EventReporter/MoniLog language file. Please repair this using the Monitorware/WinSyslog/EventReporter/MoniLog Installer” The reason for this error is that the language file got somehow deleted or renamed. This can occur with MonitorWare Agent, WinSyslog, EventReporter as well as MoniLog. To solve the […]

I receive setup error 1904 when installing an Adiscon product – what to do?

Many Adiscon products (e.g. WinSyslog and EventReporter) come with an online version checking feature. This feature is implemented via Microsoft’s XML parser. Unfortunately, we had to learn the the redistributable XML parser component does not properly setup on some machines. As far as we have found out, it does not install correctly if no Internet […]

What is “Event ID 107”?

Message: “Couldn’t read last record for Security log (state 87) – nLastRecord set to 0 to recover.” This actually is no error, but a status message. There can be three reasons for this message: This message occurs when by any chance the last entry in the event log gets deleted. By the network administrator or […]

SMTP Error Codes

When EventReporter is configured to send email message, several SMTP error codes might happen while connecting to the mail server. These are: Error Cause Suggested Action -1 EventReporter could not at all connect to the mail server. Check that the mail server’s IP address or host name is correctly configured. Check that the port used […]

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