Release Date: 2000-11-29
This version (build 142) has been released to the public on November, 29th 2000. It is a first publicly available 5.0 release. It is a beta build.
It contains the following fixes and enhancements:
- Local pre-filtering has been added both to the service and the client. The product can now filter based on the event id, source, severity and category. Very complex filter rules can be created in order to care for the most demanding environments.
- Localized client – immediately available in English, German and Japanese
- XML based system for localization – new client languages can be added very easily. Customers interested in a new language and willing to provide the translation of a few strings are very welcome to contact us.
- Fixed a problem that could cause the service to abort when using SMTP delivery and the mail server was offline.
- New, improved setup program based on Microsoft Windows Installer – the new standard for both manual and automated software installation.
EventReporter 5.0 Beta 2