Windows Event Log V2 Properties

id Windows Event ID


severity as indicated in the event log. This is represented in string form. Possible values are:

[INF] - informational
[AUS] - Audit Success
[AUF] - Audit failure
[WRN] - Warning
[ERR] - Error
[NON] - Success (called "NON" for historical reasons)

severityid The serverity encoded as a numerical entity (like in Windows API)

sourceproc The process that wrote the event record (called “source” in Windows event viewer).

category The category ID from the Windows event log record. This is a numerical value. The actual value is depending on the event source.

catname The category name from the Windows event log record. This is a string value. The actual value is depending on the event source. This value is a textual representation from the Category ID. This property could contain line feeds, which can be removed by activating the option “Remove Control Characters from String Parameters” in the advanced options of the EventLog Monitor Service.

user The user name that was recorded in the Windows event log. This is “NA” if no user was recorded.

nteventlogtype The name of the Windows event log this event is from (for example “System” or “Security”).

channel The channel property for event log entries, for classic Event logs they match the %nteventlogtype% property, for new event logs, they match the “Event Channel”.

sourceraw This contains the full internal name of the event source for new event logs, for classic event logs it contains the same value as in %sourceproc%.

level Textual representation of the eventlog level (which is stored as number in %severityid%). This property is automatically localized by the system.

categoryid Internal category id as number.

keyword Textual representation of the event keyword. This property is automatically localized by the system.

user_sid If available, contains the raw SID of the username (%user%) property.

recordnum Contains the internal event record number. Please note that if the event log has been truncated before, it may not start with 0 or 1 but a higher number.