
The heartbeat process can be used to continuously check if everything is running well. It generates an information unit every specified time interval. That information unit can be forward to a different system. If it does not receive additional packets within the configured interval, it can be assumed that the sender is either in trouble or already stopped running.


Service - Heartbeat

Message that is send during each heartbeat

File Configuration field:
This is the message that is used as text inside the information unit. Use whatever value is appropriate. The message text does not have any special meaning, so use whatever value you seem fit.

Heartbeat clock (Sleeptime)

File Configuration field:
This is the interval, in miliseconds, that the heartbeat service generates information units in. Please note that the receiving side should be tolerant. The interval specified here is the minimum time between packets. Under heavy load, the interval might be slightly longer. It is good practice to allow twice this interval before the service is considered suspect by the system monitoring the services health.

General Values (Common settings for most services)

Syslog Facility

File Configuration field:
The Syslog facility to be assigned to events created by this service. Most useful if the message is to forward to a Syslog server.

Syslog Priority

File Configuration field:
The Syslog priority to be assigned to events created by this service. Most useful if the message is to forward to a Syslog server.

Syslog Tag Value

File Configuration field:
The Syslog tag value to be assigned to events created by this service. Most useful if the message is to forward to a Syslog server.

Resource ID

File Configuration field:
The Resource ID to be assigned to events created by this service. Most useful if the message is to forward to a Syslog server.

Rule Set to Use

File Configuration field:
Name of the rule set to be used for this service. The Rule Set name must be a valid Rule Set.