.. index:: RFC 3195 RFC 3195 ======== RFC 3195 is an `IETF `_ standard. It specifies how `syslog `_ messages can reliably be transmitted via a :doc:`TCP <../glossaryofterms/tcp>` connection. RFC 3195 optionally allows for message encryption and authentication of sender and receiver. However, it has not receive any importance in practice. Servers are hard to find. :doc:`Adiscon's MonitorWare line of products <../glossaryofterms/mwlineofproducts>` implement the core RFC 3195 protocol (actually, `Adiscon was the first one to do this on the Windows platform `_). Under UNIX `rsyslog `_ and `SDSC syslog `_ are known to support RFC 3195. Our `liblogging `_ project enables your own applications to "talk" 3195. The formal specification for RFC 3195 can be found in the `IETF RFC repository `_ . During its creation, RFC 3195 was known as "syslog-reliable". Many people still use this name to refer to it.